Waiting for judgement

As I place these words to paper, the outcome of the 2022 mid-term elections is yet to be decided.
I would like to join the throngs of those saying the rhetoric has made this a terrible election season.
I know as a student of history, many before were worse.
When the votes are in and tallied and the winners are declared, it is time for our country to come together and heal from the political turmoil.
Whoever are the victors, whoever are the losers; ultimately what is important is we are Americans. We are all Americans and as that we should rise to a higher standard and treat one another with the respect that our forefathers and mothers would expect.
Generations struggled, fought and died so that we may enjoy the fruits of their labor and sacrifice and build upon their shoulders. We owe them and ourselves the effort of reaching for the stars and walking a path to make our country a place where we see each other through the eyes of understanding.
We should be able no matter where our hometown is, to walk down our streets safely, enjoy the opportunities to pursue our dreams, whether that means, raising a family, working a job, or running a business, possibly providing jobs for others.
We are Americans, in the wake of this election that is what we are first, no political ideology should have precedence over whom we are because that one element is what has provided the strength that has allowed our country to prevail throughout our history.
If we spend our time fighting amongst ourselves, we will never notice the threats aimed at our republic from outside or within. We will miss those individuals on the inside with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar wishing to do harm at home.
Assuming as I write, that there are no post-election revelations that upturn our elections, I encourage you to pray for our country, pray for our new leaders, but most of all pray for the healing of our country and its people.
We are better than what is seen on television, in newspapers and on the internet. So, remember what America is and will be is up to us. Don’t disappoint, start by loving your neighbor as yourself. One person at a time, that will be a legacy, we should build upon.