Adversity can drive a life

While much of my childhood seemed idyllic in a “Leave It to Beaver” kind of way, there were days when I had Eddie Haskells making my life unpleasant.
My Haskells tended to be more than just jerks; in some cases, they were downright difficult.
When I started high school, I dreaded the bus ride to school. Those solid sitting seats were where those with ill intent often began their mischief. And sure enough, for me that is where I often found myself between the cross hairs of their disdain.
I was short and stout and due to my lack of athletic ability; I was the object of those with bullying tendencies. Let’s say, I was an easy mark.
Whether it was a group of jocks using my violin case for a football, a tough guy spitting in my hair or flicking my ears, the daily dread of anticipating those experiences made going and coming from school a less than pleasant experience.
Some days, ridicule was a consistent companion from those who had to tear others down.
I was raised that you didn’t bellyache over one’s plight in life. My dad taught me to stand up to bullies wherever possible, choose the battles, know when to fight and when to walk away to fight another day. My mother was a warrior who always stood up for the underdog.
While bucking up to my experiences, they inspiration became a solid part of my make up. But within my underlying drive, those times planted a mission statement that pushed me forward through my 20s – “I will show you.”
It took me some time to change that mission, but I did. I no longer desired to show anyone. I just wanted to fulfill whatever God’s path for my life was to be.
Adversity in our days, bullies in our lives, no matter the time or place when we face such, we must handle it with grace. My father’s teachings and my mother’s grit forge how I react when I encounter adults who never grew up and chose to bully others. I have always stood up protecting those within their aim. I have taken on slings and arrows thrown to protect others but thanks to all I endured early in life, I have strong shoulders upon which to carry those. God placed below me solid legs upon which to stand my ground in the face of those who wish to bulldoze others.
While I wish that I could have enjoyed a youth free from those experiences, and I would not wish them upon anyone, I would not be the man that I am without them. All those God has allowed me to help, would not have had the champion those created.
If life brings you adversity, chose the battleground, and use it to fight against what may come your way, with the ultimate goal to uplift and encourage others.