
Finding a path within one’s soul

Is there an unrevealed path deep within you.

If you find a quiet place and think back upon your life, was there ever a still small voice that you ignored encouraging forward to something greater.

Did anyone ever come to you in life with a prophetic word about your future?

Did they say, “God asked me to share this with you, and He sees you being …”

Contemplate and look back upon your life, was there some greater purpose that even you believed to be yours?

Were you to be a great minister of the Gospel meant to bring millions to Christ?

Maybe a leader of men and women who was to rise to great heights in elected office?

Perhaps your head was once teaming with ideas that could change the face of the business world?

Perhaps you hoped to change the world in some way, possible bring peace to mankind?

Did you have a play, a poem, or a novel floating between your synapses?

Is there a great work of art – a painting, a sculpture or another masterpiece just waiting for you to grasp the tools of its creation?

Life has a way of getting away from us, one day we are young with all our future ahead, the next we are graying looking back upon the paths we trod.

The nice thing is no matter where on the timeline of life we find ourselves, our mind, our hopes, our dreams remain almost always planted strongly in our first quarter.

We can realign our lives no matter where we find ourselves, to use the remaining quarters to achieve a trip down that unrevealed path.

While bones may no longer accept a path that includes skydiving or climbing Mount Everest, we still have the opportunity to reach within ourselves and make the world a better place for those around us.

Perhaps your unrevealed path is simply improving the plight of the less fortunate?

Be still and listen to the Words within your soul.

God is speaking to your heart, if not today, He left a message for you long ago.

Seek and you shall find.