
The closet door seems smaller

I don’t know about you, but I am sure aliens have been in my closet.
No other explanation can be conducive to my temperamental feelings.
I went in the other day preparing for a trip. I began by pulling out a few of my favorite standbys and when I slipped them on and they no longer went around my waist.
I figure some alien beamed in, liked them, wore them to some event, then had them dry cleaned before returning them to their usual hanging place. It must have been the dry cleaning that shrunk the pants. I can’t understand why the jacket remained the same size.
When thinking of an alternative explanation, perhaps my leprechauns, who store all the family gold that I have yet to find, decided to practice tailoring.
They have been cutting down my best pieces using the excess materials for outfits of their own.
They don’t always wear green you know. That’s just a legend for the March 17th.
They sew so well, they make it look just like when it was made but it’s just smaller.
I know, I know, aliens, leprechauns, seem a bit far-fetched.
But if it isn’t those two things that would mean my waist is bigger than it was just a few months ago when I wore them last.
I have continued my regular routine
That may be possible. Possibly, I have taken something that makes me retain water.
I know I am not eating anymore than usual – my usual two-to-three helpings at meals. I exaggerate their only one, just on big plates. Yeah, it must be retaining water. I can fix that by drinking more water so my body will release all it’s holding.
So, either it’s the aliens, the leprechauns, or my closet is full of water. Wait a minute that would make it a water closet, oops, that’s a whole ‘nother room in the house. I guess I mean my body is full of water and maybe a little fat that settled in for a visit.
If it’s the third, I guess I will need to up my game a bit with some extra exercise, maybe I will look in to whatever will keep the aliens and leprechauns out of my closet, just in case it’s the first two.
I am to be back in those pieces again soon, so I hope the leprechauns didn’t cut too much out of them.