Overcome the madness around us

Six decades ago, there was a movie called “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.”
While the focus of that film followed a star-studded cast in a race to find a dying man’s riches as a commentary on man’s foibles as it strives for wealth.
The title though indicates how many people feel about our current world as they look upon what is occurring around them – politics, world affairs, culture, and so many other areas.
Questions are upon hearts, frustration is on faces, stress is in voices, doubts circle around in our minds as we ponder where this circling madness will end.
People who were alive when that movie debuted probably would not recognize the world that we now are seeing cross our palm screens. They would have never imagined we would be carrying computers around in our palms.
Those screens allow us to see and hear things that often bring on the questions, cause the frustration and stress and bring on the doubts.
Many people are carrying that around with them. Some become quick to anger or react to others out of character without thinking.
If there was ever a time we need God’s Grace in this world, this is that time.
We each need to listen to others more intently and with the patience of Job.
We each need to hope for greater answers brought on by the questions.
We each need to seek calming resolutions for the frustrations.
We each need to soothe the stresses by encouraging more thoughtful discussions.
We each need to cast out the doubts knowing that within our faith we can overcome those.
We each need to not engage in the madness. You don’t end madness by playing along.
In our own hometown, we can be a beacon of sanity by caring for those around us.
Offering Grace in the face of frustration and doubt, help to find the answers that will offer understanding.
When all of these things don’t suffice help to lead others down a path of prayer that will ultimately bring peace of mind, soul and body.
Yes, it’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, but it’s theirs and doesn’t have to be yours.
Take charge and expel the madness or at least give its own straitjacket and padded cell.