New promise

A new year brings the promise of starting over. Many folks see it as
a point to make a resolution to complete or change things in their
life. Perhaps coming out of the Christmas season gives them hope to
make their lives better. In reality, each new day brings us the
chance to improve our lives. We can start that landscaping project we
always wanted to do. We can visit with people we care about for whom
we never seem to find the time. Remember that long list of repairs on
the “Honey do” list for quite a while. Maybe you can get them
done. We do not need special days like new years to re-create
ourselves. Life is an experience in constant growth and learning.
When we stop such growth, we are stuck in a rut. I once heard a wise
man say a rut is the closest thing to a grave. Now I’m not
advocating you go out and buy a Ferrari and spend a $1,000 for a
luxurious day at a Palm Springs spa. We all have to live within our
means and meet our responsibilities, that is what being an adult is
all about. There are people depending on us. Limits of budget and
responsibility do not preclude people from improving themselves and
learning throughout life. It may be as simple as getting up off the
couch and taking a leisurely walk with your loved ones around the
block; turning off the television and reading a good book to your
children: finding out more about the community you live in and as a
family enjoying all the sights, sounds, and activities including
entertainment, politics, clubs, volunteer organizations and church
activities. Surprise the people in your life with something they
would not expect you do. Do something that you generally depend on
another family member or employee to do. Give them a break, a day or
an hour or two off to do something they enjoy while you look after
their responsibilities. A new year’s resolution to lose weight,
quit smoking or take better care of yourself are important worthy
goals for anyone who truly wishes to attain them. Sometimes it is the
simple things which really make a difference in life. What will be
remembered by those we encounter? Have we really done our very best?
with every task today? Life can grow on you if you let it but the
funny thing is it helps to be a participant. After you grow up
though, you have to be your own coach and cheerleader, otherwise, you
won’t know when to get off the sidelines and get in the game.
What’s great is God put us in the driver’s seat it is up to us
however, to drive the car.