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A daisy for Momma

The old T model Ford chugged and stammered its way along the thin pig trail that crisscrossed up the side of the Gravelly Spur Mountain. On one side looking down was a shear drop, while the other side was straight up. As Pearl looked off the mountainside, in the valley below the farmer’s new crops […]

True Blue

With the recent changes in direction in the automotive industry in our country, I don’t know what the future will hold for the brands that our family stood by ever since they traded in their horse and wagon. I would like to say that I am hopeful that some of the great traditions and loyalties […]

A little funny never hurts

One of my readers said that I needed to share a bit of comedy in my column to raise the spirits of the folks back home. Well I don’t know if I can do that but I’m willing to take aim at it. One of my favorite places to find funny comments or situations is […]

Faces from the past and present

Have you ever sat down and looked through your photo albums or boxes of photos and not known whose face you were looking upon? Just the other day I was looking at images from my kindergarten. You would think I would be able to name every one of those kids; I mean it was just […]

The honeysuckle pull

The sweet smell of honeysuckle lightly drifted over the back porch steps as I sit at the top of a thirty-step descent to the ground below. At three-years-old this was a surmountable achievement to navigate these without tumbling to the bottom. And in reality my mother was always watchfully standing by looking through the porch […]

Get the shovel

I went to the garage and I grabbed the shovel, re-entered the living room and began moving through the room picking up a shovel full and dropping into a heavy duty garbage bag. I am exaggerating the extent of my efforts to clean the house, but at times, I feel like that is the only […]

Are we too clean?

How many times a day do I reach over and hit the squirt top of an antibacterial and rub down my hands? As I think on this practice, I wonder sometimes how I ever survived my childhood? How did any of us?

Overcoming Rejection

I took the antique cedar box and polished it until it had a shine like a brand new nickel. In the inside of the upper lid, I pasted a photo of me playing the fiddle on the stage of the Ryman Auditorium. It is amazing what we might think will serve to convey the feelings […]

A moment in the mountains

I stood at the edge of the mountain and looked down at the green of the fields below. The fields were cut neatly into the shapes that the farmers had cultivated them in for years. The blue sky around me seemed to almost envelope me as I stood amongst the rocks and trees listening to […]

A flight of adventure

I was driving across Georgia the other day on a back road when I noticed on my right a youth heading in my direction from the right at a fast rate of speed. He wasn’t running, so I assumed he was on a skateboard. Protruding from the small blue toboggan on his head, I could […]