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I walk behind the mower, therefore I am

When I began my working experience, I always looked forward to the arrival of warm weather. I could hear my wallet growing exponentially with each inch rise of the green, green grass of home. Well, maybe more like the neighbors’ grass since I didn’t get paid for mowing our yard. When I was about 10, […]

Are you the player or the pawn?

Through out history people have often enjoyed classic games of thought and strategy such as chess. It was one of the many games that fascinated me as a youth and how many hours were enjoyed with fellow enthusiasts in competition with each other. It was a good training ground for many of the experiences which […]

The seeds of wisdom spit forth

As I sat on the back porch watching the grass die, I could not help but find myself in my mind’s eye sitting similarly on my grandmother’s porch. It was a summer where I spent a lot of time with my Grandma Kitty and Aunt Norma Jean. Flossie, the milk cow, was meandering through the […]

Low, I will be with you always

God is so good to Christians. All we have to do is just ask and there it is. I’m not talkin’ about things we want. I am talkin’ about things we need — like pontoon boats and big screen TVs. I prayed and I prayed for God to give me those and sure ’nuff he […]

Cleaning out the goop

I walked to the top of the ladder, climbed up on the roof, turn around and sat down looking down. I pulled another scoop of goop out of the gutter and placed it within the bucket I had hanging on the hook below me. The long row of gutter ahead was scoop by scoop being […]

Carefree days of youth

I opened the door and the thickly painted white screen door slammed behind me. I seldom noticed the sound it made as I bounded down the three steps from our front stoop. Once down on the sidewalk, I was hidden from the street behind the huge green box hedges fronted by azaleas. Once I was […]

When life hurts

When life hurts, how do you find your way to around the pain? I have communicated with numerous friends of late who have expressed that they were going through some painful moments in their life. Some moments were personal emotional issues, some were related to career elements, some were relationship connected, and some were rooted […]

Fishing and the one that got away

Grandma Kitty pulled her shiny case knife from the pocket of her blue apron. She reached down far to the bottom of the cane pole and cut it. “This will make a good one,” she said, as she handed it to a three-year-old me. Then she cut one for herself. As we walked to her […]

America – a reality show?

I grew up in a politically active family. My parents supported various local, state and national candidates and then became influencers encouraging neighbors, friends and strangers to support their bids for the office they were seeking. This was done by ringing doorbells, hosting social gatherings, attending rallies, placing signs and a lot of talking. I […]