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The bottom of the pile

It is hard to walk away when you are at the bottom of the pile. I remember fondly the springs and summers. Hours of play after completing my chores around the house. Of course, as I got older, I took on odd jobs like mowing neighbor’s yards to earn a little money. In my neighborhood, […]

His steel could really sing

From my earliest memory of country music, the sound and mix of fiddle and steel working together to augment the vocalist has electrified my interest in what some call classic country. From the 1940s until Nov. 2, a talented Alabama steel and resonator guitar man named Barney Miller has shared his talents alongside some of […]

Two farewells that will keep music coming

Country music experienced two farewells recently, one from Kenny Rogers and another from John McEuen of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Rogers completed his farewell performance to Nashville Oct. 25, All In For The Gambler, which reflected the amazing impact his musical career has had upon many genres and several generations. An all-star cast of […]

Gene Watson find his gospel roots

One of my favorite country entertainers is Gene Watson. He recently took home the R.O.P.E. Awards, 2017 Entertainer of the Year, an honor he shared with one of his best friends in the music business – Jeannie Seely. Gene Watson continues to stay true to his traditional country style with the release of his new […]

“A Question of Faith” opens doors for youth performers while changing lives

I recently visited with singer/actress Amber Nelon Thompson at the National Quartet Convention as she enthusiastically described her experience filming her role as “Michelle Danielson”  for the new film “A Question of Faith.” Thompson received the opportunity after her mother Kelly Nelon Clark of the Gospel artiists the Nelons, who went to an acting audition and noticed […]

A shave and a haircut

As I sat and squirmed in my chair trying to scratch a place in the middle of my back, I wasn’t very happy that I made a trip to get a haircut. Have you ever noticed when you go to the barber that those little hairs that fall inside your shirt collar can make you […]

The choices we make touch other lives

In life we are constantly faced with choices. We are blessed or cursed with the gift of free will, depending on your perspective. From the smallest detail of “Do you want fries with that?” to “Do you take this woman to be your wife?” in America, we have endless choices. People can choose to work […]

Naomi Judd describes overcoming depression in her new book

When I began my teenage country music career in Nashville a popular duet from Kentucky was making great waves in country and in mainstream American culture. Hailing from the Appalachian​ ​foothills​ ​of Ashland, Ky., mother​ ​and​ ​daughter​ duo, The Judds, were first discovered by RCA​ ​label​ ​head​ ​Joe​ ​Galante​ ​in​ ​1983 ​after landing a spot […]