Are we who we should be?

At many points in my life I have recalculated where I am. I pull out the proverbial compass to figure out if I am headed towards due North, or if I am off course headed somewhere else.

To my surprise, I have never been on the course setting for due North. That is assuming that is the place I am suppose to be headed. It seemed to be where everyone headed in the old black and white movies. I wonder sometimes where exactly am I suppose to be going.

I have traversed many paths in my life, and God has afforded many adventures upon which I could not have dreamed. But no matter what day it is when I wake up, I think there is more to accomplish.

It’s an old story, I still want what I wanted when I became an adult and a few of the things I wanted as a child. No matter how many years pass, I seem to be checking off from the same old list. At least trying to do so.

I have read the list in my mind again and again, and some of the items begin to become impractical as time passes but yet they remain on the list.

I probably won’t have that houseboat that I once visited as a twenty-something. The mansion with all the latest guy toys is probably also not among my future acquisitions either. Both of those would have been nice, but in this day and time, I just don’t see it.

A farming homestead seems more appropriate and better sustaining for long-term needs.

I have always had a desire to have a dream job doing what I love. While I have been blessed to have short runs in such positions, I have never held that dream job.

That is one thing I would still like to do. Although I don’t know if it will be possible. God only knows if such will be in the miles ahead. I can only remain open and prepared for the possibility should it arise.

Improving my skills in some of my many already learned areas of study. That is a constant hope and desire, but as in many areas, I have always gotten bored easily when trying to refresh already learned techniques or even start a new focus.

The main list remains a part of my daily routine. It gets impeded by shorter lists with items that have a more immediacy in need. Those things must be done more quickly and I generally accomplish those lists with ease.

As time passes the items on the big list seem farther and farther away from ever being completed.

I am still hopeful on some of the items. I think God intended me to succeed, my insufficiency has limited my ability to reach some of the goals. Perhaps, I am striving to eliminate those inabilities so I may yet reach the remaining goals as I continue my journey.

I’ll just pull out my compass and keep heading North, I know a fellow there who is suppose to be good with checking lists.