When life is rough, play golf

I was standing in the teeing area trying to figure out the best approach to get my ball where I wanted it to go.

Once I settled on an approach, I pulled my driver, set the tee and my ball.

As the old joke goes, I addressed the ball – “Hello ball.”

I gave a practice swing to make sure I had the right form. I didn’t but I never have. But I keep trying to do so.

I pulled back my driver and brought it down to hit the ball just right. I love the sound when it hits just right and off into the sky the ball flies. I look trying to follow the ball and it veers from center headed towards the rough on the left side of the fairway.

My plan and swing had failed to propel me in line with the hole. Was it my swing? Maybe the wind? Could it have been my driver?

In all seriousness, it was all these things, they all played a part in where the ball flew and landed.

The greatest not mentioned was my skill as a golfer, which I am the first to say is non-existent beyond having an outstanding grip on the club. After that its all down hill.

I have however hit a few good drives and quite a few outstanding putts along the way. Though I have frustrated some very good golfers making the score go the wrong way for the team.

Why do people spend so much time chasing a little golf egg around this long green pasture where gophers left holes and people stuck flags in them so people wouldn’t step in them?

Well perhaps its our present-day self reaching back to the inner history of our spirit which remembers the endless days of our ancestors roaming through nature in search of game to put on the table to survive. Since many no longer fulfill that activity, golfing provides an alternative mechanism to sustain that internal feeling. We even call it shooting a round of golf.

I wish I could say I have learned some lessons that I could impart to you about my times on the back nine, but unfortunately, other than avoiding the alligators when golfing in Florida, I’ve got nothing.

However, I have learned that many business deals are shaped on the course, so perhaps that is a lesson. If you are young man in a profession that is made in the deals then be sure you can play a round of golf.

Can I convey a life lesson – enjoy your time on this earth. If you like being outside, find a pastime that will fill your soul with the warmth of happiness that refills your engine. Golf is it for some, for others its hiking, others gardening, others …. the list is endless. Find those that uplift you and press on, just watch out for those not watching out for you. Fore!!!