
Where are our Davids?

I looked in the mirror seeing the passage of time in the lines around my eyes.

The lines created by years of smiling and squinting in the sun. After shaving, I washed my face realizing that it sure would be nice to be able to pull the skin of my neck tighter again.

Alas, these elements are part of who I am and were well earned to add to the character of who I am now. As we march ever forward in the timeline that is our lives, the days we are given allow us to strive for our dreams no matter how many hours, days, months or years come to pass.

Sometimes though I shake my head at what I see and hear around us, on television, the internet, in books and magazines. Things that no one should see at least within the realm of my raising.

As I was growing up, I was raised by and around strong bold men and outspoken women of courage. They stood up for what they saw as being right, no matter the consequences. That meant their faith, their family and their country, and usually in that order, although in some circumstances, family would rise to the top of their list.

I never had any fear with them around. I knew no matter what might arise, the men could handle most anyone with their fists and there was always some guns to fall back upon, if needed. The women folks I knew were excellent shots.

They taught me to follow in their footsteps.

I know looking back if they could see what is being thrust upon us today as the world attacks, mocks, ridicules or attempts to change the precepts of our faith. Or as Americans do the same to the America that generations of our family lived and worked to build and some fought and died to protect and secure in freedom. The institution of family they knew has been destroyed by divorce, simply not marrying, or other things they would not abide.

I wonder sometimes where those strong men and women are today. The ones that stood up for God, country and family above all things even if it meant they might lose everything.

I know I still see them portrayed in films, and in television shows. I have known some soldiers and some police officers in my life that I would put in that category. I have seen very little backbone in our political class in my lifetime. Most talk bravely but back down when their world might be disrupted and they could lose. I now have seen someone who will stand up for us and doesn’t back down, and it emboldens my hope in the future.

I do still wonder if we have these kinds of men and women of old in the church. Through the years, I have seen so many not standing up for the faith as the world has pulled and pushed upon it. Where are our Davids who will stand up against Goliath?

Are you the he or she that will make the difference in this world? Can you stand up against the rising tide which wants to wash away what was good and decent?

I look back into the mirror, brush my teeth, comb my hair and think upon seeing things in recent days I never thought I would see on the screens in our life. As I stare into my own blue eyes, I wonder if I am he. Will I take a greater stand for what is right and good than I have before? Am I the one? Could you be the one? Our God, our country and our families need you.