
Show your teeth

With each passing day, I am reminded how important it is we must be mindful of what our neighbors are facing in their lives.

Some are dealing with personal issues, others are impacted by national concerns.

With rising costs of everything imaginable putting pressures upon almost everyone no matter their age or family situation, many of us concentrate on our daily existence.

We look toward the week’s or bi-week’s end or the first of the month to receive a check. From that check, we manage to divide up the proceeds between a stack of household bills – water, power, insurance, groceries, and gasoline. Special needs for kids or other kin folks are added in the mix. Regular medical or prescription costs also stack up for many.

In my case, there is a regular interval of vehicle expenses also. Usually, when no money is readily at hand to meet those.

The daily ups and downs grind upon all of us. Often we might meet our neighbor only to discover them a bit testy. Or maybe its our self who got up on the wrong side of the bed.

Some folks are better at controlling their actions and emotions than others. They don’t let things weigh as heavily upon their faces and their walk.

Either way, perhaps when we go to town, to community events, to church, or to work, why don’t we make an extra effort to put a spring in our step, a smile on our face and a lilt in our voice.

We can bury those worries behind those teeth we are showing.

I remember the older folks in our family who knew many troubles, but they never showed it except privately.

We have lost a bit of that in today’s world where we seem to put everything out on social media for others to see.

We share our opinions on other’s thoughts and lives without anymore right to that than a carnival barker in the fairway.

Keeping our own counsel might just be a blessing each and every day when it comes to our own problems.

I learned long ago, in most cases, we all share the same types of problems, it is how we manage to carry those that makes life a blessing to ourselves and others.