
Don’t jump to conclusions

We are all blessed with the faculties of mind endowed by our creator to allow us to reason.

Now some folks, as my late mother would say, stood behind the door when God was giving out good sense, and that would also expand to reason.

I have seen people all my life faced with situations and they jump to a conclusion and pull folks into their prejudice or the negative Spirit within them based upon their life experiences.

Without evidence they gossip about someone or accuse someone of something that offends them in some manner.

We find these kinds of folks in all walks of life, those can inhabit our work place, our church, our school but especially these folks live to type on social media.

There is no repercussions for typing away whatever one assumes about someone.

Sadly, families are sometimes the worst hive of folks that jump to conclusions about someone they are suppose to love. In some cases, the love is suppose to be unconditional. That circumstance is generally within one’s immediate clan. The extended clan gets a bit of grace because they are removed from the unconditional assumption, but the benefit of the doubt is still expected. Blood is thicker than water as they say.

What is it we lose when we jump to a conclusion without evidence and then act upon it. It usually results in hurting someone’s reputation, or their feelings, or both. Depending on how serious these things are, it could also impact them financially, socially or even legally.

Because we have the ability to move the world with our words and our Spirit pushing upon other people’s, we must be cautious of what we say about others and the conclusions we draw based upon a set of circumstances.

Now, that does not mean we should not reason with the evidence we see to protect ourselves and those we love, it just means, we should not rush to judgment and speak upon someone publicly unless we know beyond the shadow of the doubt that the evidence we have seen is conclusive. Even then, is it our job to be the spokesperson of this news?

Did God make us His orator? Or have we taken it upon ourselves as a gossiper? Does telling the story bring us joy or excitement? Then we may not be God’s chosen orator.

If he has chosen you to speak ill about someone in any situation, that is something that you will not want to do. In fact, you will desire not to do it so much, you will avoid it. You will only do so, when you have no other choice.

As children we all learned to jump rope in some fashion. Some of us excelled at it and were able to even rhythmically jump while rhyming with great speed. While many of us enjoyed seeing or participating in this play, we all had the good sense to only join the activity if we were capable of not getting our feet caught in the rope.

We should use a similar approach to jumping to conclusions. Make sure you have the ability not to get yourself or someone else tripped up on what you tongue might be saying about your conclusion.