
Why can’t I find you?

Have you ever went where you thought something was and when you got there, I golly, it wasn’t.

I am amazed at how this phenomena can plaque our thoughts and erode a day into loss of effectiveness.

I know I put it there. That’s my safe place. When was the last time I used it?

Did I put it back? Did I leave it somewhere? Did someone take it?

I recently was looking for an item which has little value but means the world to me. It represents an important achievement in my career and thus my life. I would wear it on special occasions.

When this happens you begin racking you thoughts as when was the last time you saw the item.

Sadly, in this case, I don’t recall. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I would have used it. The last important one was 12 years back. That’s a long time for it to sit and not be used. There had to be something since. Keep thinking man!

So, in desperation, I began the systematic review of every nook and cranny in the house.

I remove each drawer, take out every item and then replace them. As I progress through the effort, another drawer, another drawer, until I reach nine of them. I shift to the cedar chest, everything out, everything back in. No luck. Three more drawers and a wardrobe to go.

Will I find it? I’m hope so, if not, I must begin the same process in other rooms and closets.

I know, unless I did something stupid at some point in history and lost it while having it on a trip, it is within the house. I just have to keep searching.

The effort does become tiring but at some point there will be a resolution – either I will find it, or I will come to the conclusion, it will remain in the land of the lost.

In a way, this is a lesson for life that we all can draw from.

We spend much of our life looking for things. We seek someone to spend our life with, a true love.

We hunt a job that will provide and sustain our daily needs. We strive to find success in our endeavors that bring us satisfaction. We look for the meaning of life.

Do we find these things? Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t. What we wanted remains outside our reach.

Do we keep searching for it?

I think we should never give up the search. We might take a break from the effort, but pick it up again when our mind and body is recharged.

No matter what you are looking for, the adventure of life is within the search. Once we find our goal, we tend to find yet another goal to seek. That is the nature of much of our life.

So, keep hunting, you will find it. Now, back to my drawers. I didn’t remember having so many socks. By the way, if you find a blue sock with a guitar on it in you dryer, I think it’s mine.