
I really shouldn’t have eaten that

Do you realize that each of us spend a large portion of our lives either eating, preparing something to eat, going to get something to eat, or thinking about eating.

When you consider the amount of time we dedicate to this practice, you would think we would each be an aficionado on the consumption of food.

We should know what to eat that makes us feel good and what to eat that doesn’t.

Sometimes however, we can easily make a few mistakes along the way.

You might decide you going to take in a meal at an all-you-can-eat restaurant.

Next thing you know, you are doing just that.

Eating all the meat, vegetables, deserts that your plate after plate will hold.

You are so full when you are finished you have to loosen your belt in hopes your pants won’t pop a button.

On another occasion you are preparing a meal at home, you fill you plate, reach into the fridge and add something that might have been there a little too long for comfort.

You smell it, its OK, so you add it to the dish, only to find the rest of the evening and night, your body is making you regret they decision that your brain justified earlier.

You have a craving for ice cream. So, off you go to the ice cream shop for a sundae or banana split only to be reminded shortly after consumption that you occasionally suffer from lactose intolerance.

I have always enjoyed my share of deserts – cakes, pies, and brownies, divinity fudge. Peanut butter squares were a holiday treat I could never miss. But wait, I have an allergy to peanuts. But they are so good.

Do you enjoy a good steak? I sure do, but I like mine well done. I like to eat it with a little steak sauce.

You know I can’t think of any good reason that I shouldn’t eat it. Wait a minute, I promised myself I would eat vegetables…. Well I guess I can put ketchup on it. That’s a tomato. Oh no, I just remembered tomatoes are a fruit.

Anyway, I will eat more vegetables tomorrow – potatoes, corn and maybe some craw fish. Oh well, I am allergic to those critters too.
I guess I will find something to eat someday. I’ll just keep thinkin’ on it until I find something that might satisfy me. I should be a true connoisseur by then.