Sometimes a statement is just that

Conversations have always been a two-way street.
One person says something, another returns. Many times these moments pass in full agreement with both parties who are speaking totally in agreement on the topic.
Just the same, in a moment total agreement might turn on a dime and become a disagreement.
Where do these come from? Is it buried in the conversation? Is it the opinion expressed by one of the participants?  Is it a misunderstanding?
We have all experienced such. Sometimes they come up out of nowhere. Sometimes they are carefully crafted with selected words to entice just such a reaction.
Some folks enjoy creating strife or conflict. They draw a pleasure out of participating within the verbal joust between competitors.
I think sometimes especially among men who are not friends, there is almost a sense that conflict is how we are suppose to interact. After all we are trained that from childhood. Compete and come out on top in whatever our endeavor – sports, business, war, or even choosing a mate. There is nothing wrong with this thinking. It has stood the test of time to be a way to bring up the men we need to build and protect our society.
I am sad to say though, I am seeing fewer and fewer who are able to meet those expectations.
No matter the situation though, the ability to carry on civil conversations without coming to a disagreement is one that must be a constant effort of every man.
In a time when our country seems to be divided on many issues, perhaps all men and women need to reflect upon those that have come before and their sacrifices to America.
We are all Americans, we must not allow people to divide us into groups who disagree and fight with one another over petty issues. I recently saw a man’s testimony on social media saying that what is important is keeping our America a float and not allow it to sink under the weight of what is being done to us by those in positions of power.
We can battle over this way is right or that way is right. What I see is those we have put in charge don’t know the way and we are following them blindly into a dead end alley.
What will be our fate in that alley? I don’t know, I just hope that once we are there, we realize we are all there together and must work together, converse together to figure out how we might get out of there together as Americans.