Is there an opportunity ahead?
I once walked through some of the most amazing imaginable moments a human being could dream upon.
Many of the legendary stars of yesteryear were part of my life sharing their energies, advice and day-to-day existence with me. I have rubbed elbows with some people blessed with resources beyond our imagination.
What has those past experiences provided me? A life which has yielded many books and stories shared in columns and on radio and television interviews.
Their investment has allowed me to excel in so many areas of life through the work I have done in film, television, radio, writing and on stage.
Has that made a difference? Perhaps to someone, perhaps a person was touched by something offered up through God’s gifts to me.
What do I do with it though, going forward. With the change of the years, I often find myself reflecting on what I might do to make the next year more successful, more financially solvent, and more positive for all impacted.
Despite all my best efforts as months of the calendar turn faster and faster, I realize that my best plans often fall by the wayside as I live life. But at least, if I make the effort at the beginning by planning on what I’d like to do, creating lists and schedules, then maybe a percentage of those items will get done.
Each day or week or month, I can take out my pen, check or strike something off the to-do list.
Those moments always bring me a moment of great satisfaction.
With each passing year, sadly, I realize some of the things on my long-term goal list become less likely to occur in my lifetime. But regret accomplishes nothing but building a barrier to slow our progress in other paths we must travel.
Despite seeing those things fall from my list, it allows me to focus upon other ones which have a higher likelihood of coming to pass.
The new year is here. What are you going to do with this opportunity? Are you going to use it to strengthen your mind, your body, your relationships, your strength, your faith, your hopes and dreams?
Choose a path with a goal at it’s end, and run towards your goal. You can make it! You can change your life. You can uplift others that God sends your way. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
So at the end of this year, some goals will be accomplished. For me, if I am successful, I will have made a bit of money, paid all my bills, and along the way, made some folks smile or encouraged them in their walk for God.
If I do that, its been a good year. I hope your year and life is more than you can imagine.