Chaos in the Clothes Closet: Life’s Unexpected Lessons

I heard the crackle and then the sound of a tree crashing to the ground. At least, that’s how it sounded in the dead of night.

I headed to the wall to turn on the light, but I stubbed my toe on the cedar bedpost. Holding my foot, I hopped over to the switch and flipped it on. When I could finally set my foot down, I found the source of the noise. Half my walk-in closet was now on the floor, like a chaotic thrift store; plaid shirts, blue, grey, and every shade of brown suits were wrestling for space. The metal shelves and shoes from above had joined the fray, leaving massive holes where anchors once held.

I wish I could say I took it in stride, but with my toe throbbing, I was more annoyed at the timing than anything. I decided to leave the mess for morning, turned off the lights, and crawled back into bed.

The next day, I moved each suit to the guest room bed, laying them out like patients in recovery. The white shelving and supports were next, placed on the guest room’s hardwood floor. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months without any motivation to fix it, until a call reminded me the guest room was needed.

Isn’t life like that sometimes? Unexpected, like a closet collapsing or a water leak in the bathroom. Or it could be more profound—a job loss, an accident, or a life-altering diagnosis. We’re not the sole authors of our lives, but how we react is our choice. Do we greet adversity with a grimace or with hope?

I’ve seen both types of people: those who seem to carry the world’s sadness, their anger and profanity a constant leak. And then there are those with an inner fortitude, facing even the gravest of circumstances with a strength that seems unbreakable.

Which one do you want to be? I choose the latter, striving to face life’s trials with the faith and determination that can transform even a simple task like rebuilding shelves into something empowering.*

So, with a new resolve, I’ll rebuild the shelves, straighten the guest room, and as Mr. Rourke from “Fantasy Island” would say, “Smiles, everyone, smiles….” Keep smilin’ no matter what comes your way!