Change is inevitable

In life, we often see ourselves in a never ending cycle of the same.

We go through the same routine daily. Get up, prepare for the day and off to work.

Then we return and back to house routine until we slow down for sleep.

We do this, day after day, year after year, often just watching our lives fly by as the clock spins upon the wall.

While things in our lives often remain the same, day in and day out, from time to time something happens which jolts us out of our mundane routine.

Sometimes its a pleasant surprise which makes life different. If we are single, we might fall in love.

If we are childless, a child might be in the making.

Or we might be jolted by some unexpected moment that changes our lives – an accident, a fall, an illness, the death of a loved one. Any of these might shake our life.

It might be something simple. For me recently after many years with having the same people live around me. Solid good neighbors upon which I depended upon for decades, now I am seeing a shift as different ones move away. With each a little adjustment is required. Now there are new people to learn, but its unlikely that decades of neighboring will be recovered quickly in these new relationships, but in time perhaps, I will once again feel as comfortable as I did with the others. At least I hope so.

No matter what aspect of our lives we are looking upon, the inevitability of change is always there—new co-workers, new responsibilities, new expectations, new neighbors, new elected officials, new problems, new hopes, new dreams and new losses.

Despite this, we see our lives as routine, but in actuality every day is filled with little differences.

We are provided opportunities for countless choices every single day. Any one choice might be the one that catapults us into a sea of unknown circumstances. We choose the wrong food item at lunch and we get food poisoning. Were off to the hospital and we get an unplanned bill. We miss a few days of work. All this sequence of events hinged on a quick decision while walking through a cafeteria or restaurant food line.

Change is always with us, it is the source of our opportunities. If we are mindful and watch the changes in our surroundings, we might find one coming that opens boundless opportunities for our future.

I am saddened at the recent and coming changes within my circle of neighbors. Hopefully, good folks will fill the voids left by these changes and overtime will become the stalwarts I hope to have around me as we move forward in this uncertainty we see around us.

Be mindful and forward thinking as you go through you daily routines and perhaps, just perhaps, you will be the orchestrator of positive change that impacts us all rather than the dutiful recipient.