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I’m a pickin’ and I’m a grinnin’

Throughout my childhood there were two consistent high points to weekends – Saturday nights at 7 p.m. for “Hee Haw” and Sunday mornings for “The Gospel Singing Jubilee.” In the course of one week, America said goodbye to key stars of both of those shows which made up a huge piece of the American fabric […]

Cooking, cleaning and compliments

Thanksgiving is a time in my memory that takes me back to the days of splendidly set tables, endless rows of holiday delights and friends and family gathered with their heads bowed thanking God for his blessings upon our homes. I can still smell the turkey turning a golden brown, the sage that flavored the […]

Upon the shoulders of greatness

I have spent some of my most recent months asking my distant relatives for help in honoring our ancestors through the restoration or placement of tombstones of generations past. It is a small act that we can share to recognize decades of work, tears, blood, and hopes and dreams given by those who preceded our […]

Take off the gloves and put on the mitts

The election season is finally over once again, barring any post-count legal maneuverings by either side. It is now time for all candidates on every tier of government to take off the boxing gloves, shake hands and come out fighting for the American people rather than against each other. I have often wondered what miracles […]

A little Goober each day is a must

As we watch television classics, there are many character actors that have made their marks and found niches that have allowed them to keep in front of the American public for years and years. One of those actors was introduced to the American television family in the 1960s. Initially, like so many actors – George […]

The choices we make touch other lives

In life we are constantly faced with choices. We are blessed or cursed with the gift of free will, depending on your perspective. From the smallest detail of “Do you want fries with that?” to “Do you take this woman to be your wife?” in America, we have endless choices. People can choose to work […]

Living in a Coffee World and Beau Weevils

It’s always a pleasure to see old friends succeed in their efforts. One of my favorite comedians is Tim Lovelace and I have had the honor to share the stage and make thousands laugh. He is having an amazing run with his project Living in a Coffee World. It has consistently stayed in the top […]

Bluegrass music comes together to honor its best

The International Bluegrass Music Association hosted its annual week-long celebration of the genre in Raleigh recently. Thousands poured into the city’s clubs, venues and hotels to see countless concerts by established artists such as David Davis and the Warrior River Boys of Alabama, hopefuls such as the Baker Family of Missouri, and Rebekah Long of […]

A sweeping success

Performing on the road has its great moments and even a few that are less great. Needless to say there are often things to laugh at along the way. One of my devoted readers said that I have been too serious of late and needed to spread some cheer so here is one of my […]