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Overcoming adversity

Often in life there are obstacles which we can never foresee coming our way. It is often during these times we really come to know what we are made of, whether we can overcome adversity or simply crumble beneath the weight of whatever is thrust upon us. In the valley below the Gravelly Spur, the […]

Peeking through a keyhole into the past

I will never forget when I was about 9 years old, I began a fascination with learning more about family history. It began with a third-grade book report on World War I hero Sergeant York. As I read his story, I was taken by the similarities between the area of his living in the Valley […]

The page turns and the story continues

All of us are blessed with lives that within our days are the moments which make up our story. From our personal perspective, we might see our lives as something which would not warrant the pages of a best-selling biography or novel but the minutes of each passing day make up our story. In the […]

Communication is the key

Communication – the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. Most of us begin this process from the first time we point at something to indicate we want it. After we slowly master “Mama” and “Dada,” we eventually grow our vocabulary and with the right training we become equipped […]

When morning comes

When the morning comes, we will start a new day. The sunrises up to greet us pushing away the darkness that flooded the night. The worries we had in the depth of black time fades away with its first rays. Oh, the pain and grief that we shared, that enveloped the river of thoughts that […]

On which side do I sit

I recently found myself sitting in the doctor’s office for an annual test that I take. This was the first time that I noticed that the waiting room had been divided into two. On one side it was marked well side and on the other side it said sick side. I figured that I should […]