Will AI create a semblance of what was in what will be?

Many of us are hearing more and more about Artificial Intelligence and the impact that could have on our lives in the future.

You are likely aware that many of the entertainment unions have held strikes in the last year. AI was a major aspect of the items being negotiated in the new contracts they were trying to establish with producers.

AI is becoming a major player in creating visual, voice, writing, and likely many other aspects and trade jobs will be affected by the advances of what this new technology.

As artificial intelligence continues to advance at a breakneck pace, the film and television industry stands on the cusp of a technological revolution. From script writing to visual effects, AI is poised to transform nearly every aspect of production, promising increased efficiency and new creative possibilities. But this sea change also raises concerns about job displacement and the very nature of artistic creation.

One of the most immediate impacts of AI is likely to be in the realm of pre-production and script writing. AI-powered tools can analyze successful scripts, identifying patterns in structure, dialogue, and pacing. This technology could assist writers in developing more engaging narratives or even generate entire script drafts. While this may streamline the writing process, it also raises questions about originality and the role of human creativity.

As a writer, I could go to an AI generator and pose a query – “Write me a 20-inch newspaper column about the future impact of AI on film and television.” I would not have to spend the time of putting this together these words from my gray matter. My fingers would not have the joy of feeling the keys on my computer.

Perhaps most controversially, AI is making inroads into acting itself. Technology which uses machine learning to create or manipulate video and audio, could potentially resurrect deceased actors for new roles or de-age living actors for flashback scenes. This raises ethical questions about consent and the ownership of an actor’s likeness. States around the country, the U.S. Congress, and the workers unions are continuing to look at options to protect individual performers and their estates from potential uses without permission and compensation.

I understand even now as an actor, with an adequate sampling of my performances on film and of my speech patterns, my image can be created doing almost anything a producer might want.

In production, AI is set to revolutionize visual effects and animation. Machine learning algorithms can create realistic digital environments, crowds, and even entire characters, potentially reducing the need for expensive on-location shoots or large teams of animators. This could democratize high-quality visual effects, making them accessible to smaller productions and independent filmmakers.

I was visiting with a director of photography who was telling me of his work for a project totally created within an AI system, which is beyond my knowledge base but reflects the transition of more types of jobs into a box.

Post-production is another area ripe for AI disruption. Intelligent editing software could automatically assemble rough cuts based on emotional beats or narrative structure, significantly speeding up the editing process. AI could also enhance color grading, sound mixing, and other technical aspects of post-production.

AI will make creating shows more efficient and likely lower costs. Despite the challenges, proponents argue that AI will ultimately enhance rather than replace human creativity. They envision a future where AI takes over mundane tasks, freeing creatives to focus on higher-level artistic decisions.

Here is my take. I have spent a life behind the scenes in film, television and music watching the people create in those mundane aspects of what has to be done to bring all these things to fruition. Every task has its art within it.

Technology has always allowed us to forge new ways to do things and improve the process, but the human creativity of all the trades was still present and imprinted on every foot of film and inch of recording tape to move our emotions with film, TV and music.

As the industry adapts to this new technology, one thing is clear: the landscape of film and television production is set for dramatic change. How Hollywood navigates and we receive this AI revolution will shape the future of our entertainment for years to come.

Now was this me or was it Memorex? If you are old enough, hopefully that line will close us out with a smile.

Where are we headed?

I sat in the back of the blue 1964 Chevy Malibu with my legs dangling of the blue seats with my feet moving to the beat of the Buck Owens coming across the AM radio.

My father Floyd was driving and my mother Pearl in the passenger seat. The back seat was my domain, the only thing back there was my pillow and a few of my favorite toys, a couple of books. There was a small box with plastic army men, and a few of my Matchbox cars. Unlike today, I could move around as I wanted on the seat or into the floorboard. If I wanted to lay down and take a nap, I could. That was probably how my folks liked me best on those long trips. Because I am sure I wore them out with my impatience asking “Where are we headed?”

It’s not like they decided to go somewhere else while we were driving, but I just wanted up to date information. Of course, back then we didn’t have those new fangled things that talk to us telling us where to turn. We had those big map books, or fold out maps on every state that we went through.

Of course, by the time I came along, the interstate system was solidly in place around the country, so much of the time was spent on those types of roads between places.

And prior to the internet and widespread franchising, every little community we stopped in had its own feel and identity – restaurants, stores, and events. Of course, my mom always had a trunk full of homemade food on ice and we stopped along our paths to eat.

Whenever we hit the road for a vacation, we always had mysteries and new things to find and experience. Even if it seemed odd or hokey, there was great things we were able to see among those too.

I loved those trips with my folks. We always managed to talk to each other. My folks would wake me in case they thought I might miss something, probably not always wise, because it probably broke the silence they were enjoying. But they saw trips as an educational opportunity for me and even for them.

As I grew and my interest in history became primary, those types of destinations were added along the way. I was able to share my excitement and learning with about the topics and locations with them. They could also do the same with me.

I wouldn’t trade those road trips, short or long, for anything. I had my folks sometimes for endless hours right at my fingertips together. We cherished those moments.

When I was very small, especially during winter travel, I loved to crawl up into the floorboard at my mother’s feet and sleep on those trips.

I know travel is now different for families today than they were for us. But I encourage you to find those opportunities to make such adventures come alive for your family. And you know what, you don’t have to spend a mint to make it a memory.

Remembering The Nelons

Our life’s story is sometimes made up of brief encounters with others that have a tremendous impact on the momentum of our existence.

These encounters could be seeing someone on a television program that leaves a lasting impression. We might be driving down the road with the radio on when a song blares through the speakers reaching right out and touching our soul.

Seeing and hearing the artists draw us to seek them out in person and attend a concert or some other kind of public appearance where we have the chance to stand at their merchandise table and tell them what an impact a particular song has made in our life.

We hold on to that encounter through the years listening and watching always connected to the personality as new songs and appearances come and go.

The years pass and we all get older and they remain in our heart as part of who we are or were.

If we are lucky, this is the relationship that most of us have musical artists or actors. Sometimes folks gain a closer friendship with these creatives that intertwines our walks.

I have spent my life as a creative in music, acting and writing and have been blessed with many such encounters with legends. Because they welcome me as part of their club, the passing encounters have become deeper friendships as we share our lives on the same canvas, painting a similar picture, to a slightly different tune. We often share life’s celebratory moments together, love one each other’s family members as our own, and mourn with each other in our losses.

This week I will sit down in a church in Roopville, Georgia with a host of my extended gospel music family as we gather to support some of our family as we mourn and all celebrate the lives of three of The Nelons – Kelly Nelon Clark, Jason Clark, and Amber Nelon Kistler along with Amber’s husband Nathan – also a talented vocalist. All lost their lives in a plane crash in Wyoming a couple of weeks ago. Also passing in the crash was their assistant, Melodi Hodges, along with the pilot, Larry Haynie and his wife, Melissa.

The family was on their way to meet the Gaither Homecoming Friends for an Alaskan Cruise to perform for the anxiously awaiting voyagers. The second daughter and her husband – Autumn and her husband Jamie Streetman had traveled separately and were at the airport waiting on her family. She and Jamie would soon be told and join her extended Gaither family briefly before returning back to join her uncle Todd and his family as they deal with what is ahead.

An entire music industry has spent the last couple of weeks immersed in their music, remembering concerts, funny experiences and everything we cherished about these great people. Even as a youth, Autumn is a third generation star in our field as the granddaughter of Rex Nelon who took over the legendary LeFevres of Atlanta, Georgia rebranding the group as the Rex Nelon Singers. Kelly was Rex’s daughter who we all watched grow up, just as we did her daughters Amber and Autumn.

The group is in the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. Kelly knew she was being inducted into the Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame next month. Their careers are comprised of years of hit songs and awards. And as a ministry, countless souls brought to Jesus. You can learn more about their recent career at https://www.thenelons.com/.

I have known the Nelons music since Rex’s days with the LeFevres. I grew up near the LeFevres. When I was a young aspiring musician I found myself by happenstance walking in on an early Rex Nelon Singers recording session when I was working on my own first album. That is when I officially met Rex and Kelly.

Through the years, I found myself on concerts with them and as my star rose in music and I started acting on “In the Heat of the Night,” they told me they were regular viewers. It seems Kelly and I have always been friends and we often talked about her daughters and I watched them grow into their gifts. When they began trying acting, we of course also talked about that. The last time we were performing in the same show, they had me join them to play fiddle. I am glad I got to do that. In a way, it was a completion of the circle of that aspiring young fiddler who was in the studio with Rex decades earlier.

Autumn has had her entire family ripped from her life as she and her husband awaits a new child. Her livelihood is also gone and she is having to deal with the expenses related to all her family, if you can assist, a fund has been set up to support the family here: https://give.cornerstone.cc/projectlovethyneighbor or for checks: Autumn Streetman, 5566 Clipper Bay Dr., Powder Springs, Ga 30127. If you can’t help financially, please simply pray for them in the coming months.

Where are our Davids?

I looked in the mirror seeing the passage of time in the lines around my eyes.

The lines created by years of smiling and squinting in the sun. After shaving, I washed my face realizing that it sure would be nice to be able to pull the skin of my neck tighter again.

Alas, these elements are part of who I am and were well earned to add to the character of who I am now. As we march ever forward in the timeline that is our lives, the days we are given allow us to strive for our dreams no matter how many hours, days, months or years come to pass.

Sometimes though I shake my head at what I see and hear around us, on television, the internet, in books and magazines. Things that no one should see at least within the realm of my raising.

As I was growing up, I was raised by and around strong bold men and outspoken women of courage. They stood up for what they saw as being right, no matter the consequences. That meant their faith, their family and their country, and usually in that order, although in some circumstances, family would rise to the top of their list.

I never had any fear with them around. I knew no matter what might arise, the men could handle most anyone with their fists and there was always some guns to fall back upon, if needed. The women folks I knew were excellent shots.

They taught me to follow in their footsteps.

I know looking back if they could see what is being thrust upon us today as the world attacks, mocks, ridicules or attempts to change the precepts of our faith. Or as Americans do the same to the America that generations of our family lived and worked to build and some fought and died to protect and secure in freedom. The institution of family they knew has been destroyed by divorce, simply not marrying, or other things they would not abide.

I wonder sometimes where those strong men and women are today. The ones that stood up for God, country and family above all things even if it meant they might lose everything.

I know I still see them portrayed in films, and in television shows. I have known some soldiers and some police officers in my life that I would put in that category. I have seen very little backbone in our political class in my lifetime. Most talk bravely but back down when their world might be disrupted and they could lose. I now have seen someone who will stand up for us and doesn’t back down, and it emboldens my hope in the future.

I do still wonder if we have these kinds of men and women of old in the church. Through the years, I have seen so many not standing up for the faith as the world has pulled and pushed upon it. Where are our Davids who will stand up against Goliath?

Are you the he or she that will make the difference in this world? Can you stand up against the rising tide which wants to wash away what was good and decent?

I look back into the mirror, brush my teeth, comb my hair and think upon seeing things in recent days I never thought I would see on the screens in our life. As I stare into my own blue eyes, I wonder if I am he. Will I take a greater stand for what is right and good than I have before? Am I the one? Could you be the one? Our God, our country and our families need you.

Show your teeth

With each passing day, I am reminded how important it is we must be mindful of what our neighbors are facing in their lives.

Some are dealing with personal issues, others are impacted by national concerns.

With rising costs of everything imaginable putting pressures upon almost everyone no matter their age or family situation, many of us concentrate on our daily existence.

We look toward the week’s or bi-week’s end or the first of the month to receive a check. From that check, we manage to divide up the proceeds between a stack of household bills – water, power, insurance, groceries, and gasoline. Special needs for kids or other kin folks are added in the mix. Regular medical or prescription costs also stack up for many.

In my case, there is a regular interval of vehicle expenses also. Usually, when no money is readily at hand to meet those.

The daily ups and downs grind upon all of us. Often we might meet our neighbor only to discover them a bit testy. Or maybe its our self who got up on the wrong side of the bed.

Some folks are better at controlling their actions and emotions than others. They don’t let things weigh as heavily upon their faces and their walk.

Either way, perhaps when we go to town, to community events, to church, or to work, why don’t we make an extra effort to put a spring in our step, a smile on our face and a lilt in our voice.

We can bury those worries behind those teeth we are showing.

I remember the older folks in our family who knew many troubles, but they never showed it except privately.

We have lost a bit of that in today’s world where we seem to put everything out on social media for others to see.

We share our opinions on other’s thoughts and lives without anymore right to that than a carnival barker in the fairway.

Keeping our own counsel might just be a blessing each and every day when it comes to our own problems.

I learned long ago, in most cases, we all share the same types of problems, it is how we manage to carry those that makes life a blessing to ourselves and others.